Monday, November 07, 2011

The GoodPlay Project

Nowadays, the use of technologies has become more than popular with kids, especially with teenagers. Most of them spend a great amount of time online, especially on social networking sites. Obviously, the most popular websites are Facebook and Twitter. The problem is that youths are not always aware of certain important ethical issues. If we take Facebook as an example, some teenagers do not even know that they have to set their privacy seetings  in a way that people who they are not friends with cannot access their account. The other problem is that some teenagers post photos or videos of their friends that are quite incriminating. This can become quite embarrassing... The other issue is that some of them do it on purpose and it can even lead to cyber bullying.

In order to use these websites adequately, I think that the GoodPlay project is really interesting! Howard Gardner’s project encourages adults to help youths to learn and reflect on the ethical implications in the digital media. It explores five different themes, which are identity, privacy, ownership, credibility and participation. As I mentioned before, some teenagers think that only people they know have access to the information they post online and this can become a nightmare. Thus, a project like this one is essential in order to make sure that youths can protect themselves and respect others. This way, they will become aware of the potential risks of sharing information online.

To watch Howard Gardner's interview, click on this link:

Finally, a picture is worth a thousand words.......

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